Personal Assistants
Intelligent personal assistants which have their own hardware are sometimes referred to as smart speakers. These devices allow users to engage in two-way conversations with the device. Voice activated home automation and available "skills" allow users to quickly get hands-free answers. Device manufacturers employ software engineers and creative individuals to add canned responses, giving personal assistants personalities.
A personal agent "wake word" is the trigger word or phrase that is used to tell the device to start listening because what you say next is directed at the device.
NLP is the technique used by engineers to allow computers to derive meaning from human or natural language input.
The personal assistant's lifelike voices are created using speech-unit selection technology from voice samples of an actual human.
Facts about personal assistants.
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."
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Here are some fun questions to ask your personal agent
Read up on personal agents
There are a number of different intelligent personal assistants available today.