Single Serving Coffee Machines
Keurig machines brew K-Cup beverages by piercing a foil seal on the top of the cup with a spray nozzle. The machine also pierces the bottom of the plastic pod so the liquid can leave the cup. Coffee grounds that are contained inside the K-Cup pod are in a paper filter. Hot water is then forced under pressure through the K-Cup pod, passing through the grounds and through the filter.
The inventor of the Keurig coffee-in-a-pod system. The original patent expired in 1992, but additional followup patents have since been granted.
Keurig has been publicly criticized by environmental advocates and journalists for the billions of non-recyclable and non-biodegradable K-Cups consumers purchase and dispose of every year, which end up in landfills. In fact, the inventor has expressed remorse in his invention for this reason.
If all the K-cups that were sold in 2014 were laid end to end, it would be enough to circle the Earth more than 10 times.
Facts about connected coffee machines.
"I feel bad sometimes that I ever [invented the K-Cup],"
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